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Here you will find videos and blog posts with information related to
physical health with an emphasis on the core and pelvic floor.

What is the pelvic floor?
A great proportion of the people I help suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction. Over the years of my practice I've found that most people admit that they are not sure what the pelvic floor is and if they are doing pelvic floor exercises correctly. What they do know is what it feels like when it isn’t working. That’s a good start, but we want to go further.

What are the core abdominals?
The “core” or “core abdominals” are two buzz words found particularly in the fitness industry. However, the core abdominal muscles are more than the “six-pack abs” that are discussed in mainstream media.

How do the pelvic floor and core abdominals work together?
In healthy individuals, the pelvic floor and core abdominals work as a team (along with other muscles including the multifidus and respiratory diaphragm) to help provide support and structure for the spine and pelvis.